Sa Semaine #84

You might be wondering why suddenly it's already #84 and where are the numbers in between? This shows how much a procrastinator I am and only to this day I'm back at it again.

Sunday August 01, 2021

A new month to start anew! Altered my sleeping routine to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier. Hope this last 🀞 

Monday August 02, 2021

Grateful that the bus arrived the minute I reached the bus stop. Usually, it will take some time to wait for that particular bus when I'm going to and fro work. I wanted to reach home early today since I've worked extra hours. Lucky that I'm able to save some traveling time. Yes, I'm happy about this little thing. But, also faced with not that happy flashback. Went to a thai restaurant to takeaway dinner and came across "Olive Rice".

Tuesday August 03, 2021

Another day working overtime. Even the hawker has already closed. So, simply just grab some bites along the way home. But I feel great! (even though tears came rolling for a sec when I come across something that reminds me of you again) Seems like I found the passion I used to have 😁 Keep go go go! πŸ’ͺ

Wednesday August 04, 2021

Got told off as well by my manager when a colleague was not being a perfectionist... like what it has got to do with me? Really don't like it when she generalizes this kind of matter. But, I can just nod and forget about it with my feeling affected by it a lil. Decided to leave on the dot today so that I can make myself a nice dinner. Honestly speaking, I was surprised that I manage to come out with this bowl of ramen and it perk up my day!

Thursday August 05, 2021

As I was lunching, made a decision to return to the office and hustle - a sudden urge wanting to close as much position as I can. Being too focused at the job, my watch is already showing at half-past five. Time to pack and go meet up with the MAD C-lan. Seems like we have a new hideout to wine and dine over some movies.

Friday August 06, 2021

TGIF! And a long weekend ahead! Didn't off work on time and brought along the working laptop just so to settle some work matter during the weekend. Anyway, with heavy bags, strut my way to the intended food court but only to find out that I've mistaken it to be at the wrong shopping mall all this while. End up I just grab Pizza Hut and savour at the flight of stairs before proceeding with my mission to look for red wine, fur rug, and mirror.

Saturday August 07, 2021

Weeks back has been contemplating should I sign up for a barista course. When I finally made the decision, the next available class is already full πŸ˜… But who knows how lucky I am. Got a call on Friday and was informed that I can join today's class since one of the students has withdrawn. Glad that I signed up for the course because it is really informative! Even though I do feel a lil sleepy nearing noon, I genuinely can feel Dave's sincerity in parting his knowledge and experience. This further piques my interest. I shall get a dose of poison before the class next week. Made a beeline to Fook Kin before they close at 830pm. I personally do not like to tapao food but we're back to the state where dine-in is not allowed in Singapore but next Tuesday onwards - IT'S ALLOWED! Come to think of that I might miss enjoying my food in parks cos that's where I'll go in order to enjoy piping hot meals. πŸ₯‚ Cheers to freshly cooked meal! Here's me cheering by picking up a piece of siobak with a chopstick using my left hand 😜



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